Sunday, May 15, 2005

In the park, we walked past a couple of serious soccer games with lots of fans, who turned their backs on the soccer to watch us go by, wave, and shout. I think a few fans joined our party. I can only wonder what the players were thinking as they tried to keep their eyes on the ball...

We arrived at our location to find an icecream truck, a shopping cart full of plastic top-hats, and a giant bottle on a spinner. The guy in charge tried to whip up a game of giant spin the bottle, but, not unlike in high school, people were a little less than enthusiastic about kissing a bunch of strangers. The organizer kissed a woman for quite some time, however, unlike in high school, no one succumbed to peer pressure. Beach balls, a raft, and a giant inflatable orca got tossed around. We stood around awkwardly for a few minutes. Then the marching band - actually two, the Hungry March Band and the Rude Mechanical Orchestra - started playing again and everyone danced.

From there, we continued our journey through the streets of Red Hook, which is a strangely beautiful old industrial neighborhood. We walked through sunset, the band played, and we were joined by another truck with speakers, playing the Beastie Boys.
At one point, when we were stopped for a while, not far from the music, this guy put out his hand to dance. So, being friendly, I took it and we danced a little - not close, I might add. Now, what is it with some people that you can't be friendly and just be friendly? Less than two minutes later, he was trying to put his arm around me. Eww! I shook him off and S. & I melted into the crowd. But pay attention, this man will return....

That was the only sketchy moment of the night, for me, I must emphasize.


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