Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Submitted a grant proposal to pay for Bent On Learning to come to our school. Keep your fingers crossed that we get it.

The Education Wonks were nice enough to include my post about bringing ballroom dance to our school as a part of this week's Carnival of Education.

Found a fantastic - truly - site for science teachers: The Science Spot. A science teacher has posted PDF files of dozens(hundreds?) of her lesson plans, including worksheets for students. Even better, most of them look like they can be used as is, instead of revised or adapted as I usually do with materials found on-line and made by other teachers. I printed out probably 100 pages of lessons and put them in the binder I am creating for next year. Here's one of my favorites: try it at home.

From there, I discovered Junk Box Wars, which I am planning to use in an after school program next year.


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